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affluent cultural heritages

Affluent Cultural Heritages.

Affluent Cultural Heritages in Bwindi National Park Area.

Batwa “pygmies” are one of the oldest peoples with affluent cultural heritages in Africa. They roamed the forests looking for fruits and honey, and hunted with bows and trained dogs. As the woods were cut down by the Bantu, Consequently Batwa numbers decreased. In 1992 they were evicted from Uganda’s reserve parks with no compensation. Recently the authorities have shown more understanding and some progress has been made towards compensating and resettling Batwa.

Please be cautious when offered to “see the pygmies” and avoid exploitation of the Batwa “pygmies” peoples. There are three recommended activities that resemble each other and show their history in the forest, involving costumes and drama. Batwa experiences are at Buhoma sector, Buniga forest nature walk and at Nkuringo sector in Bwindi Impenetrable Rain Forest National Park and there is also Batwa trail in Mgahinga National Park.

The Bantus on the other hand includes, the Bakiga of kabala and the Bafumbira of kisoro are primarily mixed crop and livestock farmers. They have similar origins and affluent cultural heritages but are divided by language (Rufumbira and Rukiga). Their traditional settlement was a compound with separate houses for wives and their children; each wife had her own livestock and fields. Nowadays high population density and land fragmentation has led to heavy migrations leaving  the entire traditional livelihood in balance.

Getting to Bwindi National Park.

Bwindi Impenetrable National park is a home to half of the world’s mountain gorillas, which make it a best gorilla destination. The park is divided into four different sectors of Buhoma, Rushaga, Ruhija and Nkuiringo all open to visitors. Duration is roughly 9-10 hours drive from Kampala to Bwindi National Park.  Also you can travel via Queen Elizabeth National Park a home to climbing lions connecting to Buhoma sector this can be an added advantage though it’s time consuming.

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